Make more than it costs. Guaranteed.

One of the top-selling public broadcasting reps in the country can sell for you!
$3,000,000 generated on behalf of clients nationwide.
Sold $1,000,000 in his best year at the last public station he worked for.
15 years of experience selling public broadcasting.
Has verifiable success selling PBS, NPR, and classical radio in every market size.
Best of all, his work is guaranteed. If he doesn't make more than you pay him, he refunds the difference.
How it works
It's simple, really.
The key to making significant revenue gains is landing significant sponsors. For most stations, a few new, substantial contracts make all of the difference in the world.
It doesn't take 52 weeks per year to identify potential top-dollar sponsors, pitch them, and bring them on board. So why pay for a full-time rep?
Instead, share one of the best reps in the country with a few other stations. It costs much less than hiring a full-time rep; you get a rep with 15 years of experience and millions of dollars in public broadcasting sales; and, he's guaranteed to make more money than he costs or he'll refund the difference.
With Rent-A-Rep, you get Ron Cook as your sales rep for a set number of weeks per year. You choose how many, from 2-6.
Working together, you identify the most likely prospects in your market. Ron crafts the packages and prepares the presentations. Ron schedules appointments from his office; you chip in from your office. Then, Ron dedicates a week to making sales pitches in person. He flies in on a Monday and meets with prospects Tuesday-Friday. Once back home, he follows up via phone and email - just like a regular rep does from an office at the station.
You can send Ron out on his own, send him with your current rep, or accompany him yourself.
By taking just a few weeks of Ron's time, you get one of the top public broadcasting reps in the country for a fraction of the cost of a full-time rep. And the results are guaranteed.
Stability & peace of mind
You can lock in Ron's sales expertise for up to 5 years!
Think of the peace of mind that will bring! No more hiring. No more firing. No more settling for someone who isn't quite up to the task.
And, best of all, no more doing it yourself.