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Ron Cook

Public Broadcasting Sales Specialist


Millions of dollars in sales


20+ years experience selling public broadcasting.


Millions raised for NPR, PBS and classical stations around the country.


One objective: to do it even better.


Prior to 2010, Ron Cook was the sales manager for Brigham Young University’s public broadcasting stations.  While there, he developed an innovative sales approach that raised $150,000 in new underwriting revenue for BYU's classical radio station almost overnight. 


On the heels of that success, he applied the same approach to the university’s PBS station, with outstanding results.  Within a short time, Ron was helping public broadcasting stations around the country.


Ron called his approach Underwriting Wave and used it to help public broadcasting stations around the country raise millions of dollars.

But as he traveled the country leading Underwriting Waves, Ron noted a correlation between the strength of the sales staff and the success of the Underwriting Wave approach.  Stations with strong sales teams did great, but most struggled.  It became clear that most stations struggle to find top-notch sales reps, particularly in mid-sized and smaller markets.

That insight led to Ron outsourcing sales entirely.  Given that Zoom enables everyone to meet with anyone, anywhere, at any time; and, given that we communicate via email even with people in the next office, it made sense that underwriting sales could be done from anywhere.  Ron began outsourcing underwriting sales for New Mexico PBS in 2017, a relationship that continues to this day.  He added OETA's (Oklahoma) underwriting sales in 2020.


Ron's perspective is simple: public broadcasting is a powerful marketing medium that delivers an exceptional audience while doing good for the community.  When packaged, priced, and presented effectively, it creates value for both the stations and their sponsors.


Ron began his career as a TV reporter, returned to school for an MBA, and eventually landed on the sales side of public broadcasting.

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